印度政府报告说, 印度已满足对 SC 和 ST 的劳动力配额, Indian government reports meeting workforce quotas for SCs and STs, with initiatives to boost OBC hiring.
印度政府向Rajya Sabha报告,截至2024年1月1日,在册种姓(SC)和在册部落(STs)的劳动力比例分别达到5.47万和2.82万雇员的既定配额。 The Indian government reported to the Rajya Sabha that the workforce representation of Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) meets the set quotas at 5.47 lakh and 2.82 lakh employees respectively, as of January 1, 2024. 此外,还有 855 万名员工来自其他落后阶层 (OBC)。 Additionally, there are 8.55 lakh employees from Other Backward Classes (OBCs). 政府已采取步骤填补积压空缺, 通过“罗兹加尔梅拉(Rozgar Mela)”等倡议改善及时招聘。 The government has taken steps to fill backlog vacancies and improve timely recruitment through initiatives like the 'Rozgar Mela.'