海兹尔·斯图尔特要求减刑,声称谋杀发生时她处于“胁迫控制”之下。 Hazel Stewart appeals for a reduced sentence, claiming she was under "coercive control" at the time of the murders.
Hazel Stewart,61岁,因谋杀其丈夫和前情人的妻子而被定罪,正在上诉减刑。 Hazel Stewart, 61, convicted for the murders of her husband and the wife of her ex-lover, is appealing for a reduced sentence. 她辩称,在罪行发生时,她处于前情人Colin Howell的“胁迫控制”之下。 She argues she was under the "coercive control" of her ex-lover, Colin Howell, at the time of the crimes. 她的律师正在向上诉法院提出上诉,提出新的医疗证据,表明她患有精神紊乱症,目的是将她重新定性为本案的受害者。 Her lawyers are appealing to the Court of Appeal with new medical evidence suggesting she suffered from a mental disorder, aiming to reframe her as a victim in the case.