Clifford Neumann因谋杀耶和华见证人维多利亚·斯图尔特同胞被判处22年以上徒刑。 Clifford Neumann sentenced to over 22 years for murdering fellow Jehovah's Witness Victoria Stewart.
41岁的Clifford Arthur Neumann, 被判处至少22年零11个月的监禁, 罪名是残忍地杀害维多利亚·斯图尔特, Clifford Arthur Neumann, 41, has been sentenced to at least 22 years and 11 months in prison for brutally murdering Victoria Stewart, a 39-year-old mother of five. Neumann和Stewart曾是同一个耶和华见证人会的成员,并于2023年在脸书上重新连线。 Neumann and Stewart had been members of the same Jehovah's Witness congregation and reconnected on Facebook in 2023. Neumann的轻度到中度自闭症 可能影响了他杀害Stewart的痴迷计划 Neumann's mild to medium level autism may have influenced his obsessive plan to kill Stewart. 这起谋杀案促使南澳大利亚州一个皇家委员会处理家庭暴力案件。 The murder prompted a royal commission into domestic violence in South Australia. Stewart的家人表达了深深的悲痛 并且觉得没有任何判决可以证明他们的痛苦是正当的 Stewart's family expressed deep grief and felt no sentence could justify their pain.