联合国为伊拉克抗旱和增加粮食生产而挑选的沙漠控制土壤技术。 Desert Control's soil tech selected by UN to combat drought and boost food production in Iraq.
沙漠控制AS是一家土壤和水保护技术公司,已被选为联合国世界粮食计划署创新加速器SPRINT方案。 Desert Control AS, a soil and water conservation tech company, has been chosen for the UN World Food Programme's Innovation Accelerator SPRINT Programme. 为期六个月的项目将利用伊拉克沙漠控制公司的液态自然克莱技术,改善土壤健康,减少用水,将低价值土地转变为高价值作物肥沃区。 The six-month project will use Desert Control's Liquid Natural Clay technology in Iraq to improve soil health, reduce water use, and transform low-value land into fertile areas for high-value crops. 该倡议旨在应对干旱和水资源短缺等对粮食生产和社区生计至关重要的挑战。 The initiative aims to address challenges like drought and water scarcity, crucial for food production and community livelihoods.