Cork社区为Vanessa O'Callaghan的丧葬费筹集了6 000欧元,后者遭到致命袭击。 Community in Cork raises €6,000 for funeral costs of Vanessa O'Callaghan, who was fatally attacked.
在爱尔兰科克,该社区筹集了近 6,000 欧元,用于支付 12 月 1 日遭到致命袭击的 36 岁女性 Vanessa O'Callaghan 的丧葬费用。 In Cork, Ireland, the community has raised nearly €6,000 to cover funeral costs for Vanessa O'Callaghan, a 36-year-old woman fatally attacked on December 1st. O'Callaghan在她接受援助的食堂附近遭到几个人的殴打。 O'Callaghan was assaulted by several individuals near a soup kitchen where she had received aid. 没有逮捕任何人,警方的调查还在继续。 No arrests have been made, and the police investigation continues. 这些资金旨在减轻她母亲Ellen的财务负担。 The funds aim to ease the financial burden on her mother, Ellen. 厨房的志愿者们形容O'Callaghan安静和礼貌。 The soup kitchen volunteers described O'Callaghan as quiet and mannerly. 她的家人要求在圣诞节期间增加警察的存在,并为无家可归者提供特别庇护所。 Her family has called for increased police presence and a special shelter for the homeless during Christmas.