中国敦促欧盟在贸易谈判中迅速就中国电动车辆价格计划采取行动。 China urges EU to act swiftly on price plan for Chinese electric vehicles in trade talks.
中国商务部敦促欧洲联盟迅速采取行动,讨论中国电动汽车价格承诺计划。 China's Ministry of Commerce has urged the European Union to take swift action in talks about a price commitment plan for Chinese electric vehicles. 发言人贺永健强调中国致力于通过对话解决贸易争端,并指出中国一直积极参与这些讨论。 Spokesperson He Yongqian emphasized China's commitment to resolving trade disputes through dialogue and noted that China has been actively participating in these discussions. 双方正在努力推进关于价格承诺计划的会谈。 Both sides are working to advance the talks on the price commitment plan.