Harbison Burradoo接受27.5M美元,用于建造现代化的72张床位设施和痴呆症服务。 Aged care facility Harbison Burradoo receives $27.5M to build a modern 72-bed facility and dementia service.
南部高地的老年护理设施Harbison Burradoo获得了2 750万美元的联邦赠款,这是最近一轮供资中数额最大的一次。 Harbison Burradoo, an aged care facility in the Southern Highlands, received a $27.5 million federal grant, the largest in the recent funding round. 这笔赠款将帮助建造现代72张床位的设施和痴呆症缓期治疗服务,取代1950年代的旅舍。 This grant will help build a modern 72-bed facility and a dementia respite service, replacing a 1950s hostel. 该项目是Harbison十年计划的一部分,目的是改善对老年人和痴呆病人的护理,创造50多个当地就业机会,增加社区获得医疗保健的机会。 Part of Harbison's 10-year plan, the project aims to improve care for older people and those with dementia, creating over 50 local jobs and enhancing community healthcare access.