一名41岁的骑自行车者周二晚上在伊利诺伊州罗洛梅多斯(Rolling Meadows)撞车身亡。 A 41-year-old bicyclist died after a crash with a vehicle in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, on Tuesday night.
周二晚上,在伊利诺伊州罗尔温路和坎贝尔街交汇处附近,一辆汽车在伊利诺伊州罗洛梅多斯(Rolling Meadows)坠毁,一名41岁的骑自行车的骑手死于车祸。 A 41-year-old bicyclist died after a crash with a vehicle in Rolling Meadows, Illinois, near the intersection of Rohlwing Road and Campbell Street on Tuesday night. 最初,该车辆可能离开现场,但返回,司机现在与警察合作。 Initially, the vehicle may have left the scene but returned, with the driver now cooperating with police. 这名骑自行车者当时有意识,但后来在医院死亡。 The bicyclist was conscious at the scene but later died in the hospital. 滚动草地警察局正在调查这起事件 The Rolling Meadows Police Department is investigating the incident.