55 岁的蒙大拿州摩托车手死于车祸;没有头盔就失去控制,怀疑速度是一个因素。 55-year-old Montana motorcyclist dies in crash; lost control without helmet, suspect speed a factor.
一位来自蒙大拿州博泽曼的55岁摩托车手于9月7日因在林林附近发生事故而受伤而去世. A 55-year-old motorcyclist from Bozeman, Montana, died on September 7 from injuries sustained in a crash near Ringling. 骑着一辆没有头盔的Harley Davidson, 他失去了控制,越过了中线, 撞上了一个柱子, 导致他的自行车翻倒 和滚下山坡。 Riding a Harley Davidson without a helmet, he lost control, crossed the center line, and hit a post, causing his bike to overturn and roll down a hill. 蒙大拿公路巡逻队报告说,道路状况明确,怀疑速度是事故的一个促成因素。 The Montana Highway Patrol reported clear road conditions and suspects speed as a contributing factor in the accident.