威斯康辛州学校枪击造成1人死亡、1人受伤; Wisconsin school shooting leaves 1 dead, 1 injured; police cite "combination of factors" as motive.
警察局长表示,最近威斯康星州学校枪击案的动机是“多种因素的组合”,该枪击事件导致一名教师和一名学生死亡,另外两人受重伤。 Police chief says the motive for a recent Wisconsin school shooting, which resulted in the deaths of a teacher and a student and left two others critically injured, is a "combination of factors." 当局正在继续对这一事件进行调查,以确定悲剧背后的具体原因。 Authorities are continuing to investigate the incident to determine the specific reasons behind the tragedy.