Trump承诺为1B项目提供快速联邦许可, 面对环境团体的批评。 Trump promises fast federal permits for $1B projects, facing criticism from environmental groups.
前总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)承诺加快联邦许可, 允许在美国投资10亿美元, 包括国内外项目。 Former President Donald Trump has pledged to expedite federal permits for any $1 billion investment in the US, covering both domestic and foreign projects. 这包括环境核准,扭转拜登总统为减缓许可进程而采取的行动。 This includes environmental approvals, reversing actions taken by President Biden to slow down permitting processes. 两党都有兴趣加快许可证的发放速度,民主党关注清洁能源项目。 There is bipartisan interest in speeding up permits, with Democrats focusing on clean energy projects. 环境团体批评这项提案,认为它违反了《国家环境政策法》。 Environmental groups have criticized the proposal, arguing it violates the National Environmental Policy Act.