中国特别区允许进口稀有药物,改善了一个男孩的状况。 Special zone in China allows import of rare drug, improving a young boy's condition.
一名七岁男孩患有罕见的遗传代谢疾病,在中国海南的一个特殊医疗区找到了希望。 A seven-year-old boy with a rare genetic metabolic disease found hope in a special medical zone in Hainan, China. 虽然中国没有其他国家批准的Olipudase alfa药物,但Lecheng国际医疗旅游试验区允许进口。 Though the drug Olipudase alfa, approved in other countries, was not available in China, the Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone allowed its import. 这一突破改善了男孩的状况,为中国的罕见疾病治疗提供了一条新的途径。 This breakthrough has improved the boy's condition, offering a new path for rare disease treatments in China.