巴基斯坦达雷尔县的居民要求政府帮助解决道路简陋和缺乏基本服务的问题。 Residents in Pakistan's Darel district demand government help for poor roads and lack of basic services.
巴基斯坦占领的Gilgit-Baltistan的Darel区最后一个村庄面临严重的基础设施问题,包括道路条件差以及缺乏电力、医疗保健和教育等基本服务。 The last village in Pakistan-occupied Gilgit-Baltistan's Darel district faces severe infrastructure issues, including poor road conditions and a lack of basic services like electricity, healthcare, and education. 当地人沿未满足要求的道路旅行,上学和医院的机会有限。 Locals travel on unmetalled paths and have limited access to schools and hospitals. 居民呼吁政府紧急进行干预,以改善他们的生活条件。 Residents are calling for urgent government intervention to improve their living conditions.