巴基斯坦占领的Gilgit Baltistan的居民面临严重的经济危机,通货膨胀率猛增。 Residents in Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan face a severe economic crisis with inflation skyrocketing.
巴基斯坦占领的Gilgit Baltistan的居民面临严重的经济危机,两年来通货膨胀上升400-500%,主要原因是燃料价格上涨。 Residents in Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan face a severe economic crisis with inflation rising by 400-500% over two years, largely due to increased fuel prices. 私营部门或工业的缺乏迫使许多年轻人离开去寻找工作。 The lack of a private sector or industry has pushed many young people to leave in search of work. 社会活动家Hassan Askari指出, 当地人感到被忽略, 税收负担沉重, Social activist Hassan Askari notes that locals feel neglected, burdened by taxes and seeing no significant development in their region.