由于现金紧张, 瑞科维纳治疗公司用股票支付部分债务. Rakovina Therapeutics pays part of its debt with shares due to cash constraints.
Rakovina治疗公司是一家发展癌症治疗的公司,它宣布,一些受益人将获得股票,而不是现金,作为2024年11月28日到期应付的91 000美元利息的一部分。 Rakovina Therapeutics, a company developing cancer treatments, announced that some debentureholders will receive shares instead of cash for part of their $91,000 interest payment due on November 28, 2024. 大约20 500美元将以共同股份结算,其余以现金结算。 Approximately $20,500 will be settled with common shares, and the rest in cash. 发行的股份数目将根据贴现市价和TSX风险交易所政策确定。 The number of shares issued will be determined based on the discounted market price and TSX Venture Exchange policies.