Verisante Technology 获得 TSX-V 批准以股换债交易以清偿首席执行官应付款项。 Verisante Technology receives TSX-V approval for shares-for-debt transaction to settle CEO payables.
Verisante Technology, Inc. 宣布已获得多伦多证券交易所 (TSX-V) 对其股票债务交易的接受。 Verisante Technology, Inc. announced that it has received acceptance from the TSX-V Exchange for its shares for debt transaction. 该公司同意以每股 0.01 美元的视同发行价发行 4,400,000 股和解股份,价值 44,000 美元,以全额偿还欠现任首席执行官的 44,000 美元管理费和开支。 The company agreed to issue 4,400,000 Settlement Shares at a deemed issuance price of $0.01 per share, valued at $44,000, to fully settle $44,000 of payables owed to the current CEO for management fees and expenses. 交易现已完成,应计工资债务总额将最终消除。 The transaction will now be completed, with the total accrued salary debt definitively extinguished.