Akero疗养院的内线出售价值1.06亿美元的股票,将他的拥有权减少近10%。 Insider at Akero Therapeutics sells shares worth $1.06M, reducing his ownership by nearly 10%.
提摩西·罗夫(Timothy Rolph)是Akero理疗公司的内线,他以大约106万美元的价格出售了该公司18 750股股票,将他的股权减少了9.92%。 Timothy Rolph, an insider at Akero Therapeutics, sold 18,750 shares of the company’s stock for about $1.06 million, reducing his ownership by 9.92%. Akero治疗技术开发了新陈代谢疾病的治疗方法,其主要产品Efruxifermin正在第三阶段试验中。 Akero Therapeutics develops treatments for metabolic diseases, with its main product, efruxifermin, in Phase 3 trials. 该公司的股票波动在17.84美元和58.40美元之间,目前价值约54.21美元,市场上限为37.8亿美元。 The company's stock has fluctuated between $17.84 and $58.40, currently valued at about $54.21 with a market cap of $3.78 billion. 分析师是乐观的,协商一致的目标价格为75.86美元。 Analysts are optimistic, with a consensus target price of $75.86.