印第安纳州普利茅斯(Plymouth),在3M元的Water Street Townhousehouses空地,解决住房短缺问题,增加了12个城镇住宅和2个公寓。 Plymouth, Indiana, breaks ground on $3M Water Street Townhomes to combat housing shortage, adding 12 townhomes and 2 apartments.
印地安那州普利茅斯(Plymouth)已开始建造水街镇民住宅, Plymouth, Indiana, has started building the Water Street Townhomes, a $3 million project aiming to address the city's housing shortage. 开发将包括12个城镇住宅和两套公寓,租金在1 000美元至2 000美元之间。 The development will include 12 townhomes and two apartments, priced between $1,000 to $2,000 in rent. 该项目由私人投资和政府奖励提供资金,定于2025年底完成,还将在该市最大的公园附近增加停车位和小零售空间。 Funded by private investments and government incentives, the project is set to be completed by the end of 2025 and will also add more parking and a small retail space near the city's largest park.