亨德森修复了萨默塞特公园的管道 拯救了85个家庭免遭驱逐 费用为600万至100万元 Henderson fixes Somerset Park's plumbing, saving 85 families from eviction at a $600K-$1M cost.
亨德森市已完成对萨默塞特公园镇民住宅的管道系统的修理,更换了85个符合城市编码的管道。 The City of Henderson has completed repairs to the plumbing system at Somerset Park Townhomes, replacing over 85 pipes to meet city codes. 最初,85个家庭由于安全危险而面临驱逐,但该市进行了干预,以60万至100万美元的修理费用为代价。 Initially, 85 families faced eviction due to safety hazards, but the city intervened, taking on the $600,000 to $1 million repair cost. 房主将通过两年的税收留置偿还支出。 Homeowners will repay the expense through tax liens over two years. 该市赞扬了在此过程中与居民进行的合作。 The city praised resident cooperation during the process.