安大略省投资 1.8B 美元用于市政住房基础设施和供水系统基金,以支持到 2031 年建造 150 万套住房。 Ontario invests $1.8B for municipal housing infrastructure and water system funds to support 1.5M home construction by 2031.
安大略省正在投资 1.8B 美元帮助市政当局建造房屋和基础设施,以解决缺乏基础设施阻碍房屋建设的担忧。 Ontario is investing $1.8B to help municipalities build homes and infrastructure, addressing concerns that a lack of infrastructure hinders home building. 省长道格·福特 (Doug Ford) 的公告包括为市政住房基础设施计划提供 10 亿美元,并在三年内为住房支持供水系统基金增加 8.25 亿美元。 Premier Doug Ford's announcement includes $1B for the Municipal Housing Infrastructure Program and an increased $825M for the Housing-Enabling Water System Fund over three years. 该省的目标是到 2031 年建造 150 万套住房。 The province aims to build 1.5M homes by 2031.