在北奥马哈空置的一座大楼发生火灾后,有人因非法闯入而被捕。 Person arrested for trespassing after a fire broke out in a vacant North Omaha building.
星期二清晨,在北奥马哈一个空置公寓楼发生火灾后,一人因非法闯入而被捕。 A person was arrested for trespassing after a fire broke out in a vacant apartment building in North Omaha early Tuesday morning. 造成约5 000美元损坏的火灾被消防员迅速扑灭。 The fire, which caused about $5,000 in damage, was quickly extinguished by firefighters. 里面发现的人得到了医护人员的治疗,但拒绝送医院。 The individual found inside was treated by paramedics but refused hospital transport. 发现了棚户区的证据,正在调查火灾原因。 Evidence of squatters was found, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.