奥马哈消防员扑灭了一座有棚户区迹象的空置建筑的26 000美元的火灾。 Omaha firefighters extinguished a $26,000 fire at a vacant building with signs of squatters.
奥马哈消防局于周日清晨4时30分对北奥马哈一处空置、无保障的大楼发生火灾作出反应。 Omaha Fire Department responded to a fire at a vacant, unsecured building in North Omaha early Sunday morning around 4:30 am. 这起事件发生在 16 街和 Locust 街附近,显示出寮屋居民的迹象,但没有造成人员伤亡。 The incident, which occurred near 16th and Locust streets, revealed signs of squatters but caused no injuries. 火灾原因仍在调查之中,损失估计为26 000美元。 The fire's cause is still being investigated, with damage estimated at $26,000.