巴基斯坦成立委员会,监督沙里夫总理的糖库存和出口决定。 Pakistan forms committee to oversee sugar stocks and export decisions under PM Sharif.
巴基斯坦政府在谢赫巴兹·谢里夫总理领导下成立了一个由12名成员组成的委员会,以监测糖库存和协助及时作出出口决定。 The Pakistani government, under Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, has formed a 12-member committee to monitor sugar stocks and aid timely export decisions. 该委员会由规划部长Ahsan Iqbal领导,由官员和行业专家组成,负责分析糖数据并提出可靠的决策框架。 Led by Planning Minister Ahsan Iqbal, the committee includes officials and industry experts tasked with analyzing sugar data and proposing a reliable framework for policy decisions. 委员会力求在两周内提交调查结果。 The committee aims to submit its findings within two weeks.