日产、本田,可能还有三菱考虑合并,成为世界上最大的汽车制造商之一。 Nissan, Honda, and possibly Mitsubishi consider merging to form one of the world's largest automakers.
据报道,日产和本田正在谈判合并为控股公司结构,其中可能包括三菱汽车。 Nissan and Honda are reportedly in talks to merge under a holding company structure, which could include Mitsubishi Motors. 此次潜在的合并将创建世界上最大的汽车制造商之一,年销量超过 800 万辆。 This potential merger would create one of the world's largest automakers, with over 8 million annual vehicle sales. 虽然日产的股价飙升超过 20%,但两家公司都强调尚未做出最终决定。 While Nissan's stock surged over 20%, both companies stress that no final decisions have been made. 此次合作旨在加强他们与特斯拉等电动汽车竞争对手的竞争地位。 The collaboration aims to strengthen their position against electric vehicle competitors like Tesla.