MTA计划彻底改造皇后公共汽车网,增加17条新路线,改善与地铁和火车的连接。 The MTA plans to overhaul Queens' bus network, adding 17 new routes and improving connections to subways and trains.
MTA正在对皇后公共汽车网络进行大修,在现有124条线路上增加了17条新的当地线路,并改善了与地铁和长岛铁路公路的连接。 The MTA is overhauling Queens' bus network, adding 17 new local routes to the existing 124 routes and improving connections to subways and the Long Island Rail Road. 重新设计的目的是通过取消20条主要路线上的一些停留点和增加频率来加快服务,其中25条是新的高峰时段路线。 The redesign aims to speed up service by eliminating some stops and increasing frequency on 20 major routes, with 25 new rush-hour routes. MTA为该项目投资了3 000多万美元,以满足骑手对更可靠、更快服务的需求。 The MTA has invested over $30 million into the project to meet rider demands for more reliable and faster service. 该计划将在未来几个月中由MTA董事会投票表决。 The plan will be voted on by the MTA board in the coming months.