苏格兰一个由15名成员组成的学校工作人员彩票辛迪加赢了53 642英镑,计划将其用作个人和家庭开支。 A 15-member school staff lottery syndicate in Scotland won £53,642, planning to use it for personal and home expenses.
来自苏格兰KirkcaldySt Andrew's RC高中的15名教师和工作人员在百万欧元彩票中赢得53 642英镑。 A group of 15 teachers and staff from St Andrew's RC High School in Kirkcaldy, Scotland, won £53,642 in the EuroMillions lottery. 长期的彩票财团计划把赢来的钱用于家庭翻新、节假日和圣诞礼。 The long-time lottery syndicate plans to use the winnings for home renovations, holidays, and Christmas treats. 这群人在一起玩了15年多, 与11月26日的6个数字匹配。 The group has been playing together for over 15 years and matched six numbers in the November 26 draw. 获胜也将有助于某些成员支付个人费用,如搬家。 The win will also help some members with personal expenses like moving.