15名澳洲人通过Bathurst的辛迪加分享了135万美元的彩票赢利。 Fifteen Australians split a $1.35 million lottery win through a syndicate in Bathurst.
澳大利亚中西部和新南威尔士的15人,在Bathurst的Keppel街新闻社组织的彩票辛迪加中共赢得1 356 217.45美元。 Fifteen people in the Central West and New South Wales, Australia, have won a total of $1,356,217.45 in a lottery syndicate organized by the Keppel Street Newsagency in Bathurst. 15名持票人每人花费168美元,现在每人已赢得约90 000美元。 Each of the 15 ticket holders, who spent $168 each, has now won around $90,000. 报社自2023年3月以来已经获得了五项大奖, 敦促玩家检查他们的门票, The newsagency, which has seen five major wins since March 2023, is urging players to check their tickets as some prizes remain unclaimed.