来自北爱尔兰的妇女赢得100万英镑的百万欧元,是全欧洲一亿富翁之一。 Woman from Northern Ireland wins £1 million in EuroMillions, one of 100 millionaires across Europe.
11月22日, 一位来自北爱尔兰Antrim县的女性在百万欧元彩票中赢得100万英镑。 A woman from County Antrim, Northern Ireland, won £1 million in the EuroMillions lottery on November 22. 她叫S小姐 她在线买了她的票 计划用赢的票去迪斯尼乐园 Known as Miss S, she bought her ticket online and plans to use the winnings for a trip to Disneyland. 画图创造了全欧洲一亿富翁 The draw created 100 millionaires across Europe. 球员可以通过国家彩票网站或应用程序购买和检查票票,但必须年满18岁才能参加。 Players can purchase and check tickets through the National Lottery website or app, but must be 18 or older to participate.