一名男子在缅因州路易斯顿的枪击事件中受重伤,警察正在调查。 A man was critically injured in a shooting in Lewiston, Maine, and police are investigating.
星期二下午3时左右,一名男子在缅因州刘易斯顿Walnut街和Pierce街交汇处被枪击中受重伤。 A man was critically wounded in a shooting at the intersection of Walnut and Pierce Streets in Lewiston, Maine, around 3 p.m. on Tuesday. 警察发现受害人有枪伤,将他赶往缅因中部医疗中心。 Police found the victim with a gunshot wound and rushed him to Central Maine Medical Center. 当局正在调查这一事件,并敦促任何知情者与他们联系。 Authorities are investigating the incident and urging anyone with information to contact them. 胡桃街已经暂时关闭 以便调查 Walnut Street has been temporarily closed for the investigation.