一名男子在星期一早些时候在布鲁克林俱乐部外面头部中弹后受重伤。 A man was critically injured after being shot in the head outside a Brooklyn club early Monday.
一名35岁的男子头部中弹,于星期一清晨在布鲁克林的牙买加大道1Hundred室被击中后,身处危急状态。 A 35-year-old man is in critical condition after being shot in the head outside Room 1Hundred on Jamaica Avenue in Brooklyn early Monday morning. 枪手据报乘坐黑色轿车,在开枪后逃离现场。 The shooter, reportedly in a black sedan, fled the scene after firing shots. 警方正在调查并发现弹壳,但未查明动机或逮捕任何人。 Police are investigating and have found shell casings but have not identified a motive or made any arrests. 事件发生在凌晨12时09分左右,受害者被送往Brookdale大学医院。 The incident occurred around 12:09 a.m. and the victim was rushed to Brookdale University Hospital.