辛辛那提莱茵河畔发生枪击事件,一名 45 岁男子受伤,有生命危险,被送往医院。 45-year-old man hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after a shooting in Over-The-Rhine, Cincinnati.
周四晚上,辛辛那提莱茵河畔发生枪击事件,一名 45 岁的男子受伤,有生命危险,被送往医院。 One person, a 45-year-old man, was hospitalized with life-threatening injuries after a shooting in Over-The-Rhine, Cincinnati on Thursday evening. 事件发生在核桃街 1300 街区,受害者被送往大学医疗中心。 The incident took place in the 1300 block of Walnut Street and the victim was transported to University Medical Center. 辛辛那提警察局正在调查此事。 Cincinnati Police Department is investigating the situation. 目前尚未确定嫌疑人或犯罪动机。 No suspect or motive has been identified yet.