在Milwaukee警方追逐中撞毁U-Haul卡车后被捕的涉嫌杀人犯。 Suspected homicide offender arrested after crashing U-Haul truck during Milwaukee police chase.
一名44岁的男子涉嫌参与最近一起杀人案,他在U-Haul卡车经过Milwaukee追逐警察后被捕。 A 44-year-old man suspected in a recent homicide was arrested after leading police on a chase in a U-Haul truck through Milwaukee. 追逐始于早上9点45分, 当时他逃离警察, 撞上停靠的汽车、巴士、电线杆, The chase began at 9:45 am when he fled from officers, hitting parked cars, a bus, and a utility pole before crashing near 52nd and Glendale. 这名男子因缓刑和可能违反性犯罪者登记制度而被通缉,与一名43岁的妇女一起被捕,没有其他受伤的报告。 The man, wanted for probation and possible sex offender registry violations, was arrested along with a 43-year-old woman, with no other injuries reported.