马来西亚的出口在11月增长了4.1%,使贸易顺差增至14个月来的最高点。 Malaysia's exports grew 4.1% in November, boosting trade surplus to its highest in 14 months.
2024年11月,马来西亚的出口增长4.1%,达到126.57亿林吉特,这是连续第二个月的增长。 In November 2024, Malaysia's exports grew by 4.1% to RM126.57 billion, marking the second consecutive month of growth. 贸易总额增长了2.9%,达到237.85亿林吉特,进口额增长了1.6%,达到111.28亿林吉特。 Total trade expanded by 2.9% to RM237.85 billion, with imports up 1.6% to RM111.28 billion. 贸易顺差猛增26.3%,达到15.29亿林吉特,是14个月来最高的。 The trade surplus surged by 26.3% to RM15.29 billion, its highest in 14 months. 从1月到11月,贸易增长了8.7%,达到2.62万亿林吉特,出口增长了4.7%,进口增长了13.3%。 From January to November, trade rose by 8.7% to RM2.62 trillion, with exports up 4.7% and imports increasing 13.3%.