在对制成品和农产品的需求驱动下,马来西亚的出口在10月增长了1.6%。 Malaysia's exports rose 1.6% in October, driven by demand for manufactured and agricultural goods.
马来西亚的出口在10月逐年增长1.6%,达到128.12亿林吉特(28.66亿美元),其驱动因素是对制成品的强劲需求,占出口总额的85.4%。 Malaysia's exports rose 1.6% year-on-year in October to 128.12 billion ringgit (28.66 billion USD), driven by strong demand for manufactured goods, which make up 85.4% of total exports. 农业产品也增加了8.9%,而采矿产品出口下降了12.1%。 Agriculture goods also saw an 8.9% increase, while mining goods exports fell 12.1%. 总体贸易增长2.1%,达到244.26亿林吉特,标志着连续十个月的同比增长。 Overall trade grew 2.1% to 244.26 billion ringgit, marking the 10th consecutive month of year-on-year growth. 进口扩大了2.6%,导致贸易顺差11.98亿林吉特。 Imports expanded 2.6%, leading to a trade surplus of 11.98 billion ringgit. 在头10个月中,贸易增长了9.3%,出口增长了4.8%,进口增长了14.6%。 For the first 10 months, trade increased 9.3%, with exports up 4.8% and imports up 14.6%.