爱尔兰警察和军方在Limerick搜查中发现了九枚可疑炸弹和其他物品。 Irish police and military found nine suspected bombs and other items in Limerick searches.
警方和国防军在搜查Limerick期间发现了9枚疑似简易炸弹和其他物品,如现金、文件和弹药。 Gardaí and the Defence Forces found nine suspected improvised bombs and other items like cash, documents, and ammunition during searches in Limerick. 该行动涉及多个单位,包括警犬股和南部地区武装支助股。 The operation involved multiple units, including the Garda Dog Unit and Southern Region Armed Support Unit. 国防军爆炸物处理小组在检查这些装置后宣布该地区安全,并将对所有没收的物品进行法医分析。 The Defence Forces EOD Team declared the area safe after examining the devices, and all seized items will be forensically analyzed.