都柏林警察局在一名公众携带可疑装置后暂时关闭。 A Dublin police station temporarily closed after a member of the public brought in suspicious devices.
一名公众成员将可疑装置带到爱尔兰都柏林的Ballyfermot Garda站,导致该站暂时关闭。 A member of the public brought suspicious devices to Ballyfermot Garda station in Dublin, Ireland, leading to the station's temporary closure. 一个爆炸物处理小组被叫来评估和中和这些装置,作为安全防范措施。 An Explosive Ordnance Disposal team was called to assess and neutralize the devices as a safety precaution. 局势解决后,该车站重新开放。 The station was reopened after the situation was resolved.