囚犯Christopher Braun因谋杀而服无期徒刑,在一次严重攻击后在加拿大监狱死亡。 Inmate Christopher Braun, serving life for murder, died at a Canadian prison after a serious assault.
Christopher Braun,43岁,不列颠哥伦比亚肯特学院囚犯,12月15日,在遭受严重攻击后死亡。 Christopher Braun, a 43-year-old inmate at Kent Institution in British Columbia, died on December 15 after suffering a serious assault. Braun于2021年对2019年Morris Poitras的死亡认罪,因二级谋杀罪被判处无期徒刑。 Braun was serving a life sentence for second-degree murder, having pleaded guilty in 2021 for the 2019 death of Morris Poitras. 加拿大教养局将审查他死亡的情况,并已通知警方和不列颠哥伦比亚验尸局。 The Correctional Service of Canada will review the circumstances of his death, and both the police and the BC Coroners Service have been informed.