马耳他汇丰银行计划在买方有兴趣后举行会议,讨论可能出售多数股权的问题。 HSBC Bank Malta plans meeting to discuss potential sale of majority stake, following interest from buyers.
马耳他汇丰银行将于2月13日举行特别大会, 讨论可能出售该银行70%股权的问题, HSBC Bank Malta will hold an Extraordinary General Meeting on February 13 to discuss the potential sale of a 70% stake in the bank, after receiving interest from multiple parties, including APS Bank. 会议旨在提供信息,并寻求股东授权,以披露与潜在收购有关的细节。 The meeting aims to provide information and seek shareholder authorization for the disclosure of details related to the potential acquisition. 有关出售的会谈已经持续了几年。 Talks about the sale have been ongoing for several years.