奇科的比德威尔庄园 关闭以修复 被疑似纵火破坏 Historic Bidwell Mansion in Chico, closed for restoration, damaged by suspected arson fire.
加利福尼亚州Chico的比德韦尔庄园在一场被怀疑纵火的火灾中遭受了重大破坏。 The Bidwell Mansion in Chico, California, suffered significant damage in a fire suspected to be arson. 该历史遗址因修复而关闭,并定于2025年春季重新开放,在12月11日火灾爆发时没有喷洒系统。 The historic site, which was closed for restoration and set to reopen in spring 2025, had no sprinkler system when the fire broke out on December 11th. 加利福尼亚州公园官员正在进行调查,虽然尚未发现任何线索。 California State Parks officials are investigating, though no leads have been found yet. 船员们一直在努力清除受损部分以协助调查。 Crews have been working to remove damaged sections to assist the investigation.