加州奇科的比德威尔庄园 着火了 原因正在调查 Historic Bidwell Mansion in Chico, California, catches fire, with cause under investigation.
加利福尼亚州奇科市历史性的比德威尔庄园, 星期三清晨着火, 原因仍在调查之中。 The historic Bidwell Mansion in Chico, California, caught fire early Wednesday morning, with the cause still under investigation. 紧急服务在凌晨3点15分左右被警告 可能发生非法烧伤 尽管还不清楚这是否引发了火灾 Emergency services were alerted around 3:15 a.m. about a possible illegal burn, though it's unclear if this sparked the fire. 由于倒塌的风险,消防员没有进入大楼。 Firefighters did not enter the building due to collapse risks. 这座房屋是Chico历史的象征,正在修复中,当时可能已经空置,没有关于受伤的报告。 The mansion, a symbol of Chico's history and undergoing restoration, may have been vacant at the time, with no reported injuries.