前库克州检察官Kim Foxx因未达到教育要求而失去法律执照。 Former Cook County prosecutor Kim Foxx lost her law license for failing to meet education requirements.
库克郡前高级检察官Kim Foxx因未能达到义务继续教育要求而失去了伊利诺斯州的法律执照。 Cook County's former top prosecutor, Kim Foxx, lost her Illinois law license due to failing to meet mandatory continuing education requirements. 福克斯在Jussie Smollett案件中扮演的角色, 受到某些罪行的起诉减少的批评, 宣布她不会寻求第三个任期. Foxx, known for her role in the Jussie Smollett case and criticized for reduced prosecution of certain crimes, announced she will not seek a third term. 她的执照于12月1日被吊销, 当天Eileen O'Neill Burke接任新任州检察官。 Her license was suspended on December 1, the same day Eileen O'Neill Burke took over as the new State's Attorney.