伊利诺伊州法院下令重新评估前副手在谋杀案中的审前羁押。 Illinois court orders reevaluation of former deputy's pre-trial detention in murder case.
伊利诺伊州上诉法院下令重新评估前警长副手Sean Grayson的审前拘留情况,他被控在Sonya Massey枪击案中一级谋杀罪。 An Illinois appellate court has ordered a reassessment of the pre-trial detention of former sheriff's deputy Sean Grayson, charged with first-degree murder in the shooting of Sonya Massey. 法院说,审判法官不当关注格雷森作为警官的地位。 The court said the trial judge improperly focused on Grayson's status as a police officer. 检察官要求伊利诺伊州最高法院审查这项裁决,并列举了他获释后对社会动荡的关切。 Prosecutors have asked the Illinois Supreme Court to review the ruling, citing concerns about societal upheaval upon his release. 格雷森的下次出庭时间定于1月13日 Grayson's next court appearance is set for January 13.