新当选的库克州检察官Eileen O'Neill Burke承诺实行更严格的枪支政策和培训,以对付芝加哥的暴力。 Newly elected Cook County State's Attorney Eileen O'Neill Burke pledges stricter gun policies and training to tackle Chicago's violence.
Eileen O'Neill Burke, 最近在库克县州检察官宣誓就职, 誓言以更严格的政策和额外的执法培训来打击芝加哥的枪支暴力。 Eileen O'Neill Burke, newly sworn in as Cook County State's Attorney, vows to combat Chicago's gun violence with stricter policies and additional training for law enforcement. Burke承诺对某些与枪支有关的犯罪寻求审前拘留,并强调解决犯罪的根本原因,包括心理健康和吸毒成瘾问题。 Burke promises to seek pretrial detention for certain gun-related offenses and emphasized addressing the root causes of crime, including mental health and addiction. 她以67.4%的选票赢得了选举,接替了金福克斯。 She won the election with 67.4% of the vote, succeeding Kim Foxx.