Caleb Gormon,25岁,因与14个月的女儿Fentanyl中毒死亡有关的虐待儿童而被捕。 Caleb Gormon, 25, arrested for child abuse linked to his 14-month-old daughter's Fentanyl poisoning death.
密苏里州塞勒姆的一位25岁男子Caleb Gormon被逮捕并被指控犯有虐待儿童罪,因为他14个月的女儿因2023年3月Fentanyl中毒致死。 A 25-year-old man from Salem, Missouri, Caleb Gormon, has been arrested and charged with child abuse in connection with the death of his 14-month-old daughter from Fentanyl poisoning in March 2023. 戈尔蒙被关押在没有保释金的情况下,菲尔普斯县治安官办公室和县验尸官正在调查此案。 Gormon is being held without bond, and the Phelps County Sheriff's Office, along with the county coroner, is investigating the case. Michael Kirn警长呼吁社区保持警惕,并敦促任何掌握信息的人站出来。 Sheriff Michael Kirn has called for community vigilance and urged anyone with information to come forward.