美国陆军工程兵团 将研究保护 高危哈德逊 -雅典灯塔的方法 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will study preservation methods for the at-risk Hudson-Athens Lighthouse.
美国陆军工兵团将研究如何保存纽约哈德逊河150岁的哈德逊-雅典灯塔,并拨款50 000美元。 The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will study ways to preserve the 150-year-old Hudson-Athens Lighthouse in the Hudson River, New York, with a $50,000 allocation. 该灯塔自1874年以来投入使用,由于侵蚀,有可能倒塌,最近又被列入国家历史保护信托基金的11个最濒危历史地点名单。 The lighthouse, operational since 1874, is at risk of collapse due to erosion and was recently added to the National Trust for Historic Preservation's list of the country's 11 most endangered historic places. 这项研究将有助于制定保护这一结构的计划,由哈德逊-雅典灯塔保护协会维护。 The study will help develop a plan to protect the structure, which is maintained by the Hudson-Athens Lighthouse Preservation Society.