加拿大海岸警卫队出于安全考虑,在不列颠哥伦比亚省2个灯塔的人员配置因安全考虑而停止,但维持太阳能和自动化的运行。 Canadian Coast Guard ends staffing at 2 BC lighthouses due to safety concerns, but maintains operation with solar power and automation.
加拿大海岸警卫队结束了不列颠哥伦比亚省两座灯塔(Carmanah Point和Pachena Point)的人员配置,原因是对建筑物下不稳定土地的安全关切。 The Canadian Coast Guard has ended staffing at two British Columbia lighthouses, Carmanah Point and Pachena Point, due to safety concerns over unstable land beneath the buildings. 两个地点的导航辅助设备将继续使用太阳能和自动化技术运作。 The aids to navigation at both sites will continue to operate using solar power and automated technologies. 将在其他地点或海岸警卫队内为灯塔员提供职位。 Lightkeepers will be offered positions at other sites or within the coast guard. 联邦政府正在探索长期的备选办法,包括稳定场地或将建筑物移到更安全的地方,但这些办法可能既复杂又费用高昂。 The federal government is exploring long-term options, including stabilizing the sites or moving buildings to safer ground, but these may be complex and cost-prohibitive.