英国父母在逃往巴基斯坦后因虐待杀害10岁小孩被判终身监禁。 UK parents sentenced to life for murdering their 10-year-old through abuse, after fleeing to Pakistan.
一名英国父亲和继母在10岁的孩子死亡后逃往巴基斯坦,因谋杀罪被判终身监禁。 A UK father and stepmother, who fled to Pakistan after their 10-year-old child's death, have been sentenced to life in prison for murder. 这对夫妇被引渡回联合王国接受审判,并被判定犯有因虐待和忽视造成儿童死亡的罪行。 The couple was extradited back to the UK to face trial and were found guilty of causing the child's death through abuse and neglect. 在获得假释资格之前,他们至少要服刑22年。 They will serve a minimum of 22 years before being eligible for parole.