一名马来西亚母亲因殴打其六岁的儿子致死而被判处三年监禁。 A Malaysian mother was sentenced to three years in prison for beating her six-year-old son to death.
在马来西亚,一名25岁的母亲在认罪将她6岁的儿子殴打致死之后,被判处三年监禁。 A 25-year-old mother in Malaysia was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to beating her six-year-old son to death. 法院还强加了两年的良好行为保证金,并禁止她照顾其他子女五年。 The court also imposed a two-year good behavior bond and banned her from caring for other children for five years. 她的男朋友可能因与同一事件有关的谋杀而面临死刑或长达40年的监禁,这给孩子的头部和腹部造成钝器创伤。 Her boyfriend faces a possible death penalty or up to 40 years in prison for murder in connection with the same incident, which caused blunt trauma to the child's head and abdomen.