37 岁的新西兰基督城男子迈克尔·托普 (Michael Topp) 因谋杀 3 个月大的女儿并否认有谋杀意图而被判处终身监禁。 37-year-old Michael Topp from Christchurch, NZ, sentenced to life for murdering 3-month-old daughter, denying intent.
37 岁的新西兰基督城男子迈克尔·约翰·托普 (Michael John Topp) 因谋杀其三个月大的女儿被判处终身监禁,最低 17 年不得假释。 37-year-old Michael John Topp from Christchurch, New Zealand, has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum non-parole period of 17 years for murdering his three-month-old daughter. 高等法院陪审团判定托普犯有谋杀罪和两项严重身体伤害罪。 Topp was found guilty of murder and two counts of grievous bodily harm by a High Court jury. 该婴儿于2021年除夕因头部严重受伤入院,两天后去世。 The infant was admitted to the hospital with severe head injuries on New Year's Eve 2021 and passed away two days later. 托普否认了谋杀指控,声称这是过失杀人,因为他从未打算杀死孩子。 Topp had denied the murder charge, claiming it was manslaughter as he never intended to kill the child.