德州男子被控在家中放火焚烧儿童;幼儿受伤,两人逃跑。 Texas man accused of setting house fire with children inside; toddler injured, two escape.
来自得克萨斯州富斯夏的46岁男子Pedro Luis Parra Pulgar被控纵火焚烧住宅, A 46-year-old man, Pedro Luis Parra Pulgar, from Fulshear, Texas, is accused of setting his house on fire with his three children inside. 两名儿童轻伤逃脱,但一名幼儿被一名警官困住并获救,他吸入了烟雾。 Two children escaped with minor injuries, but a toddler was trapped and rescued by a police officer, suffering from smoke inhalation. Pulgar面临三起谋杀和纵火未遂罪,目前正被ICE扣押在联邦手中,其保证金为230万美元。 Pulgar faces three counts of attempted murder and arson, is being held on a federal hold by ICE, and has a bond set at $2.3 million. 该事件发生于11月6日。 The incident occurred on November 6.